scénario officiel avant qu'il soit volé *emoji choqué, emoji énervé*
les dernieres paroles de Jesse :
I didn't say I killed him. Dude's wife crushed his head with an ATM machine. Crushed his head... with an ATM machine... right in front of me. I mean, crushed it like... Oh my god, the sound... it's still in my ears. You know and the the blood, like everywhere. Like there was so much you would not believe. Man will you just please give me... just give me my weed alright? It helps with my nausea.
Four pounds... foooour pounds as if two pounds wasn't bad enough. we're talking two three hundred boxes of sinus pills there ain't that many Smurfs in the world. So no sudo? So you do have a plan! Yeah, Mr. White! Yeah, science!
Yo... it's appointment only! Jeez, you look like... Lex Luthor. I got two dudes turned into raspberry slushy and flushed down my toilet. I can't even take a proper dump in there. I mean the whole damn house has gotta be haunted by now.
You didn't actually see Tuco? You got this money from Tuco? Tuco gave you this is what you're saying? You made a deal? How... why would you make a deal with that scumbag? You see what he did to me? No way man, okay, no understanding! Without even talking to me, you told this... insane ass-clown, dead-eyed killer, that uh... that we would give him two pounds a week?